Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No.55 (Jan - Jun 2000) p7-15
Some considerations of tank coatings for quality preservation of palm oil
CHONG Chiew Let, Dr

Storage of crude palm oil is the last stage of the milling process and the beginning of the refining process. Although under normal circumstances, the storage process may be relatively short in both case, this does not imply that it can be neglected or placed on the lowest priority, a view held by most millers and refiners. Oil quality deterioration can occur in relatively short periods of time, if the oil is not handled and stored properly. If the oil is to be stored over longer periods of time, then the storage conditions become even more critical. One aspect of storage conditions is tank coatings or linings. Tank coatings or linings for refined oils and stainless steel tanks or linings for corrosive products like palm fatty acid distillates are well accepted. However, there is a common misconception amongst both millers and refiners that tank coatings are unnecessary for crude palm oil storage tanks due to the fact that the oil will have to undergo refining later. It should be emphasised that every step taken to ensure that crude palm oil quality is not impaired will go a long way towards the final keeping quality of the refined oil. This fact should be kept in mind by both the millers and transporters of crude palm oil. This paper will attempt to answer why tank coatings are generally preferred for palm oil products, including crude oil and what are required of the coatings to be used and their application requirements in order for the right specifications to be included when calling for tender.

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