Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No.77 (Oct - Dec 2005) p11-17
Reclamation technology applied to the palm oil industry

Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No.76 (July - Sept 2005) p31-37
Remote supervisory control and data acquisition system for palm diesel pilot plant

Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No.76 (July - Sept 2005) p21-22, 27-28
The need for life cycle-based environmental initiatives in the Malaysian oil palm industry
VIJAYA, Subramaniam , MA Ah Ngan , CHOO Yuen May

Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No.76 (July - Sept 2005) p15-20
Worldwide review of biodiesel production and studies on biodiesel production plants in Europe
MEYER, Siegfried , KOERBITZ, Werner

Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No.75 (Apr - June 2005) p45
Datasheet – Conversion factors and formulas
Leesonmech Enginering (M) Sdn Bhd

Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No.75 (Apr - June 2005) p29-31
Biofuel: an alternative fuel in the Malaysian scenario
YUSOF Basiron, Tan Sri Datuk Dr