Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No.45 (Jul - Sept 1997) p4-6
Venturi wet scrubbing system for boiler flue gases
KRISHNAN, Achuthan

Black smoke from burners has long been a distinguishing feature of palm oil mills in the country. The smoke-mostly particulate emissions and easily noticed-is now the subject of much public complaint and warrants better attention in the fight against air pollution. A wet scrubbing system based on the venturi principle is described. It is for installation on existing burners to collect particulates emitted. Very fine particulates in flue gasses can be scavenged similar to rainfall scavenging of dust particles in the atmosphere. Flue gas particulate content is reduced 90% from current acceptable levels and there is a noticeable reduction in black smoke emission. The system exacts a price in needing power and water to run.

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