Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No.83 (Apr - June 2007) p17-18
Those little dirty things called dust
KOCK, John de

Dust, isn’t it an irritation to everybody? We all know the feeling of dust below the collar, or between our teeth, not to mention the red eyes, sneezing and coughing. Yes, our bodies do not like dust, hence, the various responses. During commissioning of a dust collector in a palm oil mill, the mill manager complained to the project manager: “Your system not working lah!, last time, it went up the chimney, now its all over the place!” We always joke about this incident, because the purpose of the dust collector is to take out the dust, and it was doing exactly that – very efficiently. However, there was a lesson in it for us: air pollution management only ends when the collected dust is contained and manageable.

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