Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No.43 (Oct 1996 - Mar 1997) p9-11
PORIM spearheading R&D activities in oil palm
YUSOF Basiron, Datuk Dr

Spearheading the R&amp,D activities of the oil palm industry is the Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia or better known by its acronym of PORIM. PORIM is firmly committed to research and development which will help sustain the success of palm oil and palm oil products in the world market. Since its inception in 1979. PORIM has invested more than US$150 million in research and development to promote the growth of the industry. The research divisions in PORIM have programmes aimed at increasing yield of planting materials and enhancing the marketability of palm oil by expanding its food and non-food uses, improving production efficiency and quality and promoting palm oil products.

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