Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No.51 (Jan - Mac 1999) p14, 27-28, 30-31
Oil and kernel extraction rate – A management perspective
KHOO Eng Min

Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No.51 (Jan - Mac 1999) p13
Environmental problems and the engineer pollution control – Part II
KANAN K., Ir. Prof. Dr.

Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No.51 (Jan - Mac 1999) p11-12
How to prolong the lives of the mechanical drives – Part III
SEW Santasalo

Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No.50 (Oct - Dec 1998) p6-7
How to prolong the lives of the mechanical drives : Part II
SEW Santasolo

Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No.49 (Jul - Sept 1998) p6-14
A practical approach to selection of centrifugal pumps and their prime movers