Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No.76 (July - Sept 2005) p15-20
Worldwide review of biodiesel production and studies on biodiesel production plants in Europe
MEYER, Siegfried , KOERBITZ, Werner

RME or rapeseed-oil-methyl-ester was the first type of biodiesel fuel produced commercially in 1988, characterized as a single feedstock product of then questionable quality. Tremendous progress has been made in the past 16 years by (1) broadening the feedstock basis beyond rape- seed oil, (2) improving process technology through high flexibility in processing multi-feed- stocks (MFS) at highest yield levels, (3) developing sophisticated fuel standards, thus assuring highest fuel quality, (4) establishing biodiesel production capacities in many countries all over the world, (5) intelligent product positioning in defined fuel market segments, (6) obtaining numerous warranties from diesel engine producers and (7) implementing a number of different supportive legal measures and voluntary regulations.

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