Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No.30 (June 1993) p3-7
Tribology – The key to reduced wear of palm oil processing equipment
ANDREW W. Batchelor, Dr

Tribology is the science and technology of friction, wear and lubrication. Every industry suffers from some form of friction and wear problem. Most friction and wear problems ca11 be at least partially solved by a thorough application of tribology. Palm oil processing involves numerous items of mechanical equipment which are subject to wear. This wear causes the evenn1al loss of mechanical components and introduces contaminant metal into the palm oil. Palm oil milling equipment suffers from wear induced by the severe crushing pressures against palm fruits or where the opposing surfaces of the milling components make contact [1]. Clarification tanks are also subject to erosion damage from the sand present in unrefined palm oil [l]. It should be possible to resolve these problems with existing technology and knowledge of tribology. A basic review of tribology is presented here, further information can be found in [2,3]. 

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