Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No.92 (July - Sept 2009) p29-33
Hazards associated with processing in a palm oil mill
MENON, N. Ravi

Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No.92 (July - Sept 2009) p11-16
Effluent treatment systems in palm oil mills: part 1 – anaerobic digestion
MENON, N. Ravi , LAI Mei Ee

Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No.90 (Jan - Mar 2009) p37-44
Mongana basics: part 16 – study of the quality and characteristics of oil
MENON, N. Ravi

Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No.89 (Oct - Dec 2008) p41-47
Mongana basics: part 14 – study of the quality and characteristics of oil
MENON, N. Ravi

Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No.89 (Oct - Dec 2008) p29-32, 37-38
2008 National Seminar on Palm Oil Milling, Refining Technology, Quality and Environment Highlights
MENON, N. Ravi

Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No.88 (July - Sept 2008) p33-37
Mongana basics: part 13 – de-hydration and re-hydration of oil