Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No.41 (Apr - Jun 1996) p4-5
Nature of oil in sludge discharge
CHOW Mee Chin

The recent decline in Oil Extraction Rate (OER) was attributed to be caused by a multitude of factors. They range from uncontrollable factors like climate to aging of palms, field management and finally to inefficient milling process. Many of these factors are beyond the control of the mill engineers, the chief responsibility of the mill engineer lies in getting the maximum amount of oil from the incoming fresh fruit bunches (EFB). The oil loss is computed based on the oil losses from the various sources of discharges from the mill. They are the empty bunches, fibres, steriliser condensate and sludge discharge. Normally in the mill, as long as the oil loss in the respective streams is within the limit laid out by management the oil loss is acceptable.

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