Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No.72 (July - Sept 2004) p9-10, 13-15
Mongana basics: I – sterilization

As most of the mills in Malaysia appear to be poised for bunch crushing followed by an additional stripping, let us pause for a while and have a second look at some fundamental and basic facts the Mongana researchers have solidly established from 1952 to 1955, which simply cannot become obsolete during the passage of time. The question to ask ourselves is — are we doing the sterilization the correct way with the full understanding of the various issues involved in the process. The only visible change after the Mongana Report is that the pollination now is assisted by the weevils, which had improved the pollination efficiency leading to the formation of more fruits in the bunch. This paper intends to examine some of the findings of the Mongana Report in a chronological sequence.

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