Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No.113 (Oct - Dec 2014) p13-21
Malaysia’s Entry to Ultra Supercritical Boiler Technology Club
N Ravi Menon

This write-up will be of interest to our steam engineers working in all palm oil mills in Malaysia as well as in Indonesia. Perhaps this will inspire the mill owners to consider improving their current dated technology they are holding tight to high-tech boiler technology for their mill boilers. This technology is not new as it is a common knowledge for mechanical engineers that at high superheat temperatures the specific steam consumption will be low resulting in high boiler efficiency. At high boiler pressures and the corresponding steam temperatures, the boiler tubes will have to be made of costly alloy steel as the normal steel has its limitations to withstand the high gas temperatures prevailing in the boiler furnace. This is equally true for high altitude jet propelled fighter aircraft gas turbines whose ability to withstand the gas temperature of the hot gases determines its performance during combat operations.

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