Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No.92 (July - Sept 2009) p19-28
Lubrication and lubricant selection

The actual contact of two surfaces is only at the peak of their asperities and great force is needed to separate them. The force which resists relative movement between two surfaces in contact is known as friction, a consequence of which heat is generated, energy consumed and wear. Any substance which is used to reduce the friction is known as a lubricant. Boundary and elastohydrodynamic lubrication are the two main regimes of lubri-cation which can be determined from Stribeck Curve. Type of motion, speed, temperature, load and operating environment are parameters of the tribological system that needs to be considered and analysed so that the best lubricant for a specific application can be selected. Usually the specifications of a lubricant are determined by the respective equipment manufacturers. Used oil analysis is crucial for preventive maintance, equipment failure diagnosis, abnormal operating condition assessment, oil condition monitoring and checking for contamination. The tribology analysis shows that low viscosity lubricants are suitable for high speeds, high temperature and low pressures whereas high viscosity lubricants are good for low speeds, low temperature and high pressures.

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