Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No.102 (Jan - Mar 2012) p19-23
Daring concepts: part 2 – alternative methods of CPO clarification
MENON, N. Ravi

We must always ask the question: can the existing methods of oil extraction continue to remain stagnant say in 100 years’ time. If the answer is no, then this article will help to rejuvenate the mind to be pro-active and creative. This may sound ridiculous now but may improve the processing techniques currently being practiced in palm oil mills. We are all well-versed with the conventional system of crude palm oil(CPO) clarification comprising the desander, crude oil tank, crude oil pump, continuous static clarification tank, pure oil tank and the vacuum dryer. It is highly unlikely that in the year say 2112, 100 years from now, this method will still prevail without undergoing drastic changes in technology. Now to make an attempt to give an answer to the million ringgit question: what changes need some real dreaming and thinking? We hoped that millers will come up with some ideas but so far the response had been poor. No one is willing to think. Some are afraid of proposing fearing they may get ridiculed. This should not be the case as even intellectuals are known to have experimented with ideas which were fatuous and foolhardy. The following article is certainly not the expected next century technology. It is still within our present era. Crude oil separation can be split into a few phases.

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