Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No.91 (Apr - June 2009) p23-25
Codes of practice (CoP) – what it means for millers?
MENON, N. Ravi

This is good news for millers. The MPOB-created Codes of Practice (CoP) are now undergoing actual field trials. We are happy to note that some plantation companies have realized the value of CoP and have volunteered to have the CoP done in their plantation, nursery, mills and kernel crushing plants. Generally, it takes about two days to carry out the CoP audit in a plantation but for others it takes only one day each by teams comprising about four people. The audit can be done fast if photocopies of all the relevant documents are in place and readily available for inspection. Millers probably will want to know what this is all about. We shall briefly explain issues involved so that when MPOB comes and knock at your door for CoP audit you will know exactly what MPOB will be expecting from you. To begin with, the audit is not a fault finding exercise or a consultancy service. It is just like your financial audit exercise carried out by your internal auditors or the external ones with which millers are familiar with. The CoP is a code comprising a number of good practices that a mill is expected to follow so that the palm oil industry is not exploiting either the human resources or the environment for the sole purpose of fattening the bank balance of the investor. Three fundamental pillars form the basis of the code. They are: • food safety, • sustainability, and • quality. Most millers probably know these only too well but might not have taken them seriously before but the right time has come for millers to defend the industry by ensuring that they are a caring lot and Malaysian palm products are marketable. Let us now try to analyse issues involved together with the remedy in getting CoP certification for mills.

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