Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No.94 (Jan - Mar 2010) p19-23
Challenges facing the palm oil industry
MA Ah Ngan

It has been said many times that there will hardly be any drastic change in palm oil milling technology if mills continue to receive and process the FFB in its present form. The experience of past 50 years or so can testify this. However, it is justified to put on record here that there were many incremental improvement and changes in various unit operations, but these were hardly revolutionary in nature. The palm oil mills still rely on the massive heavy and huge steel vessels like sterilizers, cages and threshers to handle the fresh fruit bunch (FFB). Large quantities of steam and water are required to sterilize the FFB, either in full set or crushed form, and to dilute the crude oil slurry for oil recovery in the clarification process. The recent trend to reduce the water usage in the process has not been very encouraging. Most of the water used in the milling process, except the steam blowoff and exhaust-steam, ended up as palm oil mill effluent (POME) which has to be treated to comply with the Department of Environment (DOE) discharge standards.

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