Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No.88 (July - Sept 2008) p17-19
Biodiesel and edible oil news

The European Commission (EC) has launched an anti-dumping and anti-subsidy probe into the soaring imports of the US biodiesel, arising from the 29 April 2008 complaints from the EU biodiesel producers channeled through the European Biodiesel Board (EBB). The EU biodiesel producers claimed that the US exports of B99 biodiesel product had flooded the European markets due to US heavy subsidy of up to US 300   t-1. It resulted in substantial adverse effects on the overall performance and the financial situation of the EU biodiesel industry. The producers group wants the EC to impose as soon as possible countervailing measures against US B99 exports to the EU. According to them, subsidized B99 exports is a trade practice that is not only breaching WTO rules, but is also threatening the very concept of international trade in biodiesel.

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